CBS Television Distribution
It's no secret that Medium hosts some of the best characters around. Between the family favorites and the many officials that help Allison DuBois solve crimes, it's hard to imagine choosing just one. Behind the supernatural themes that add a special layer of mystery and intrigue to the stories, at its heart the show is about a mother/wife/career-driven psychic who is trying to balance the love of her career with doing right by her husband and three girls.

While it's understandable to be obsessed with all of these characters, there's got to be one that creeps just ahead of the others on your list of favorites. There's our hero Allison, of course, but also super-dad Joe, the diligent D.A. Miguel Devalos, rule-bending investigator Cynthia Keener and that's not to mention how you choose from Medium's psychic siblings.

It's time to admit it – who is your favorite character on Medium? See how many others agree with your ultimate choice!
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