The Everett Collection
Are these creepy titles from cult classic horror films or Ghost Whisperer episodes?
Posted: September 23, 2021, 2:07PM
Melinda runs into all types of creepy and scary situations on Ghost Whisperer. Angry spirits and ghosts are just another occupational hazard of being able to speak to the dead, of course.
Think you can tell the difference between creepy Ghost Whisperer titles and cult classic horror films? We mixed a bunch of titles together, your job is to tell them apart down below! Good luck!
The Mummy’s Hand
Till Death Do Us Start
Thrilled to Death
Horror Island
Calling Dr. Death
The Curse of the Ninth
Weird Woman
Pillow of Death
Ghost in the Machine
Spider Baby
Deja Boo
Undead Comic
Are these creepy titles from cult classic horror films or Ghost Whisperer episodes?
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