Are these scenes from Covert Affairs or Unforgettable?
Posted: August 15, 2023, 3:33PM
Covert Affairs and Unforgettable are two great shows that always had drama! Sometimes, it can be difficult to tell the two apart in scenes where you can't see the main characters. That's where you (the best quiz taker) come in! We want to know if you can tell (just by looking at freeze frames of scenes) which scene belongs to which show.
Good luck!
Look at this scene! Which show does it belong to?
Here's another one!
What about this scene?
Which show does this scene belong to?
You're halfway done! How about this scene?
This one might be a little tricky!
Just a few more to go. What about this scene?
This scene looks like it can be from either. But what's the right answer?
How about this scene?
Alright, last one! Which show has this scene?
Are these scenes from Covert Affairs or Unforgettable?
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