Warner Bros.

We'll be honest; "a little bit complicated" is an understatement when conversing about The Closer's Brenda Leigh Johnson and Will Pope's relationship. Some fans loved the tension between the two; others loathed it and wished it was never written in the show's script. No matter which side you were on, you have to admit that the situation brought a lot of "can't stop watching" drama that contributed to the series' success.

If you're a true fan of The Closer, you know the background of their relationship like the back of your hand. Yet, if you're new and enjoy watching the series every night on Start TV, we will tell you where the tension started. Brace yourself because it's not the usual love story that begins with a honeymoon phase.

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Brenda Leigh Johnson was trained as an interrogator by the CIA while residing in Washington, D.C. She joined the MPD, and, well, there she became "involved" with her then-married boss Mr. Will Pope.

Yes, Will was having an affair.

But wait, there's more drama. After refusing to leave his wife, Pope broke up with Johnson, only to divorce his wife anyway and marry another woman, Estelle.

During this time, Brenda met Fritz, an F.B.I. agent in Washington, before transferring to Los Angeles. Johnson eventually left D.C. for Atlanta, and drama followed. So, naturally, she sought a new position in Los Angeles.

No one knew of Brenda and Will's D.C. relationship except for Fritz. That is, until Will and his second wife, Estelle, divorced and she visited the department to confront Brenda about wanting to be with Will again. Estelle accused her in front of the entire division.


As you can see, their "relationship" was messy, but it gave the show the perfect splash of drama.

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