Brenda Leigh Johnson

Did Brenda Leigh Johnson's dad appear in these ''The Closer'' episodes?

We have to show some love to Clay Johnson, too.

Who would you rely on most from The Closer?

Can you count on any of these three characters?

Whose side are you on: Brenda Leigh Johnson or Sharon Raydor?

Sharon and Brenda have to work together to solve a crime, but they have differences!

How would you respond to Asst. Police Chief Will Pope?

Asst. Chief Will Pope doesn't hold back. So, what will be your response?

Did Brad Pitt actually call Kyra Sedgwick to congratulate her on her Golden Globe win?

It's time to find out whether this 2007 rumor is true or not!

Brenda Leigh Johnson and Will Pope's relationship was a little bit complicated

A messy former relationship that caused a lot of tension even years later.

R.I.P Frances Sternhagen, Tony award-winning actress and Willie Ray Johnson on The Closer

Sternhagen played Brenda Leigh Johnson's mother on the series. The Tony award-winning actress was 93.

Brenda Leigh Johnson is a character Kyra Sedgwick never got tired of playing

Sedgwick got to grow with Brenda Leigh Johnson, and she thought it was fascinating.

Kyra Sedgwick said Brenda Leigh Johnson's personal life was a mess

Sedgwick said Johnson was "such an intriguing character to play."

Poll: Which of these Brenda Leigh Johnson looks is your favorite?

Brenda has a lot of great looks, which one is your favorite?

Louise from Bob's Burgers once impersonated The Closer's Brenda Leigh Johnson

"I'm detective Brenda Leigh Johnson. There's been a murder backstage!"
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