CBS Television Distribution

5 interesting quotes from Jane Seymour about Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

By: Start TV Staff    Posted: July 8, 2024, 2:26PM    Tags: Jane Seymour, Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

It's no secret that Jane Seymour believed in Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman before the public. Critics slammed the show's concept, not giving it a fair chance before claiming it would fail. Despite the odds stacked against it, the series was popular and produced made-for-TV movies. Seymour always made sure to uplift the characters, her co-stars, and other members of the cast and crew. Here are five interesting quotes from the star about Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman.

  CBS Television Distribution

Quote one: On her character Dr. Michaela "Mike" Quinn being a role model

"I just think she's a great role model. The character is the kind of woman that I think a lot of women would really like to be. She's bright and she's vulnerable, and she's feminine, but she's strong, and she's spunky, yet she's fallible, and you know she's sexy and romantic." — Jane Seymour, via The Hartford Courant (1994 interview)

  CBS Television Distribution

Quote two: On the show's concept

"'s very educational. It teaches you so much—not just historically but sociologically, and in a human kind of way." — Jane Seymour, via The Hartford Courant (1994 interview)

  CBS Television Distribution

Quote three: On how the series portrays parenting skills

"I think if you're a parent, it shows great parenting skills; it subtly shows you how things can go horribly wrong and what you can do to make them right." — Jane Seymour, via The Hartford Courant (1994 interview)

  CBS Television Distribution

Quote four: On how she uses what she learned on the show with her real children.

"As a parent, there are times when I come home, and the kids (Katie and Sean Michael) do something that really irritates me, and I'm tired and exhausted, and I find myself about to go nuts, and I go, 'Michaela Quinn wouldn't do this! She'd sort of sit down and have a conversation.'"— Jane Seymour, via The Hartford Courant (1994 interview)

  CBS Television Distribution

Quote five: On why she believed in Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

"When I read [the script], it clicked with me. I identify with people living in the middle of America. I have a family and I care about what my kids see on TV. I care about what I see on TV. And I love watching things that are about the human condition. To me, there is nothing more compelling in book form, film form, drama form—any kind of form—than dealing with the emotional responses human beings have to the traumas of life—the ups and downs. That's fascinated me forever." — Jane Seymour, via The Hartford Courant (1994 interview)

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