My Start Story Celebrates Suffragist Susan B. Anthony
Posted: August 7, 2020, 4:21PMSusan B. Anthony’s social activism started as a young woman. Born in 1820 to a Quaker family that believed in social equality, she collected anti-slavery petitions when she was 17 years old and became an agent for the American Anti-Slavery Society.
Anthony was also involved in a temperance campaign against alcohol and when she was denied a chance to speak because she wasn’t a man, her fight for women’s rights began. It was a fight that spanned five decades. Anthony died before seeing her dream realized. The 19th amendment granting women the right to vote was passed in 1920, 14 years after her death in 1906.
About the Narrator:
Cousin of Susan B. Anthony

Susan Dickinson Whiting is Susan B. Anthony’s cousin, “Personally, her legacy means one of perseverance, taking a moral stand and dedicating your whole life to that position. And that’s the story that came across in my family growing up. And it’s always been an inspiration to me that no matter how hard something was, we could persevere, if she could persevere for over 50 years.”
Whiting’s current work as board chair for the National Women’s History Museum involves telling the stories of women’s contributions throughout history including her cousin’s as well as the untold stories of other brave women in the hopes that it will inspire and motivate the next generation. Whiting most recently served as Vice Chair of Nielsen, the largest global research company and currently serves on the boards of numerous for profit and nonprofit organizations.